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Car Seats & Travel

All things travel related including Car Seats of all shapes and sizes.

Cribs & Sleep

Full-Size Cribs, Pack and Plays, Snoos, Slumber Pods, Sound Machines, Crib Monitors.

Toys, Games & Books

We have a ton of unique and enjoyable toy packages so you can keep your travels light and still entertaining!

Strollers & Wagons

Jogging strollers, double strollers, tiny strollers, giant strollers, wagons--oh my!

High Chairs & Feeding

Anything you'd need to satisfy the kids in the kitchen, from high chairs to plate & cup packages.

Outdoor & Seasonal

Beach, Hiking, and other special rental items that make your adventures EASY.


Save Money and Go Easy. Rent an entire package like our Sleep Tight Package that has everything you need for nighttime!

Snoo Monthly Rentals

We rent Snoo's at a daily, weekly and monthly rate for an affordable way for families to test out a Snoo!